Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Waitings Over

I sure hope everyones right about the waiting being the hardest part because I'm telling you, the mind can really go to some crazy places.

I wonder where my mind will take me on morphine?

Well upon checking this blog I see my son has figured out his way around posting new entries. I apologize now for whoever he's about to insult. I knew I shouldn't have said those things in front of him when he was a kid.

Well I'm going to keep this short, I think I've said all there is that needs to be said for now. I'm going to spend these last few hours with my most special person. I really don't know how she puts up with me. But I sure love her for doing it.

My girl, who has been there for me when I most need her. Thank You.

PS. Special thanks to all you fellow ANrs. You've made it not such a scary thing.

Surgery Eve

Good morning everyone. This is Michael (little Mike as my family knows me...) taking another swing at this "blog" thing. Its Surgery Eve and I'm...yeah...getting a little nervous. I can only imagine how my dad is feeling though.

I know one thing, I am going threw this with total faith that everything will work out one way or another. I mean if you think about it, its not really up to any one of us. Call it God, Higher Power, the Creator, Nature, Science,etc... who ever it is, whatever it is, is in control. It makes me wonder what my dad is believing in. He was never really the "God type" but something like this may make you start thinking differently...

Yesterday was a good day. We started the morning by watching my daughter's soccer game. After the game, we went back to dad's house to sit and visit with my grandparents. My mother's parents came over and with my dad's mother there, which equaled some good conversations. Later on in the evening, a lot of our family came over to the house to watch the Paquiao vs Cotto fight. And when I say family, its neighbors, close friends and actual family. But that's the way we roll. We all hung out and just looked at pictures, talked about old times, and saw Cotto get his ass kicked...haha! I'm glad that we all hung out all day to get my dad's mind off the surgery.

As I said, it is the day before the surgery, and all is well. I am enjoying a morning with my 1 1/2 yr old daughter Ariana and my big cup of coffee. So, until tomorrow, I am going to truly enjoy my morning by getting off my computer. Have a good day everyone-