This is how I feel that I am progressing.
I got board last thursday and decided I would test myself with riding my bicycle (thanks Cheryl) to where I work to say hi to my colleagues . I didn't do very well going down the driveway but once I got out to the street where I had more room to maneuver I felt safe. After that everything was going smooth until I got to the last block that's downhill. I figure I was going around 20 mph when I had to cross the street to enter the park. Having only one functional ear means that I have to look backwards over my shoulder to look for cars. That didn't go very well. But I managed to stay on two wheels. Coming home uphill was a much easier ride, it was very slow.
The next day friday, I had my friend Steve drive my truck with me in it of course, up to the Kern river. We had to take the canoe back to his cabin and pick up some things. Saturday morning was a morning I've been visioning ever since I was laid up in the hospital. We hiked down to the river and fished all day, what a great day. I felt like that was a major step in my recovery.
My face is about 90% back to where it was before surgery. My eyes are starting to track together most of the time and I'm starting to notice some tearing. It seems the more fatigued I am the less things work right. I have a constant ringing in my ear but it doesn't really bother me, it's just there if I listen for it. There is still some swelling around the temple area and I can feel a sense of pressure coming from behind my eye. But it is subsiding. So, overall I really can't complain much. You can't go through something like this and not pay some kind of price for it. I feel I didn't have to pay too much.
I'll update again when it's worthwhile.
PS. Best wishes to Amy who's having surgery tomorrow to correct some complications from her AN removal surgery. I'm with you in spirit.
And best wishes to Marie on Monday. May the magic scarf give you all the magic you need.