Having surgery is turning out to be a real pain in the ass. My parents are coming in from Arizona. We've reserved a room at Seton Hall ( a wing on the hospital ) for Pam, my kids, and my mom to stay at. They don't want my dad to sleep anywhere near them because of his snoring so I have to diplomatically convince him he'd be much more comfortable sleeping at our house. My two boys will be staying at the hospital monday night to comfort my wife and visa versa. I think their more nervous about this then I am.
Friday is my pre op hearing testing and final Q&A with the surgeons. After that I may be meeting the LA. AN committee. Plans have not been set as of yet I need to contact Nancy to make sure that will work out.
Here's a rare photo of the most special people in my life that will be with me during a very difficult day. I love them more then they'll ever know.

On a very special note . I would like to congratulate Denise S who had her AN removed today at At St. Johns Providence Park Hospital in Novi, MI
Neurosurgeon is Dr. Daniel PieperNeurotologist is Dr. John Zappia.
Her family is reporting that all appears to have went well. I hope they can all rest peacefully.