Goodbye November 2009, that's one I'd like to forget. Well I came up with this idea of posting a photo of my ugly mug every few days to see the progress of my facial nerve. Today I feel more sensation in my face. I seem to have a little more control of movement of my smile (mouth in particular). My eye still does not blink and both eyes still do not want to work together. The area on my tongue that has no taste is very small now and I can feel my cheek move when I try. I'm doing a lot of walking about a mile this morning and hopefully another later on today. My balance is at about 70% of what it was before surgery. The steroids are keeping my appetite way up and I'll eat anything. Slept about 3 1/2 hours last night but I don't feel tired. I usually take a nap. I laid on the new hole in my skull last night for the first time. It felt good to lay that way again, no pain. My head is still swollen with an obvious new corner where my new hardware is.
Out of 10 photo's this is the best I could do.

