Today marks the end of a significant time in my life. The passing of the magic scarf. Yeah, it's only make believe but it's the connections with the others that's so special. When I first found out I had a tumor I searched the web for any information I could find. That's when I found the ANA discussion forum (where the scarf travels through) and I knew that I found the right place for answers. To be able interact with real people who are heading for surgery or have already gone through it and are willing to share their experiences with others is invaluable. It's a very special forum with very special people. Amy and Cheryl were the first two that I met on the forum and they both had the magic scarf during their surgeries. Little did I know then that Dennis would receive the scarf from Amy and then hand it off to me. I thought it was a chick thing until Dennis took possession of it but I'm glad he did because I got to meet him, then Tammy and Jay when it was my turn to hand it off. Hey, no homophobes here.
This is wear the handoff takes place. A very special place I might add. This is a view of St. Vincent's Hospital taken from the House Ear Institute. You can see the back of the memorial of Dr. House (the real one) looking towards the hospital.

Well, this is where I part ways with the magic scarf. I have had it since November 13 (much too long) and was ready to pass on to the next person, Tammy. I first wrote Tammy around October 29 on the ANA discussion forum and we stayed in contact throughout my surgery. I knew soon after that, that she was the one I wanted to pass the magic scarf to and I was very happy to hand it to her in person. That was one of the most emotional hugs I ever felt. She is a very sweet lady and Jim her husband is a very nice man. I really wish the best for the both of them.

Here's the L.A. group with Tammy and myself. From left to right Lainie, me, Tammy, Nancy and David. This is the most incredible group of people who care about others that they've never even met. They give their own time to meet with others before surgery and answer any and all questions that they might have heading into surgery. They did this for me before my surgery and it was invaluable. They give you all the confidence you could ever want and take away a lot of the anxiety you feel going into surgery. Tammy really looks good with that scarf around her neck. I sure the magic will work for her.

This is Jay, another that I have come to know through the ANA discussion forum. He is here to have surgery Wednesday at St.Vincent's and we were able to meet him (and Tammy) between their testing appointments at the House Ear Clinic just across the street from the hospital. I just caught him as we were leaving for this photo. Unfortunately we could not get the full group shot. Tammy and Jay's appointments were overlapped and we couldn't all get together at the same time.

Jay's surgery is tomorrow and I wish him the best also. I will be constantly thinking of you two and will be anxiously waiting for any news about your recoveries.
Until next time.