Hello everyone. Its the fill in for Loose Screws giving everyone the update. Sorry for the delayed post but I couldn't access the Blogger from the internet at the Seton Hall. Here is a picture of L.S. himself with his L.S.jr. The apple seriously didn't fall far from the tree...

So, we show up at the House Institute so my dad can get the admission package to be admitted into St. Vincent Medical Center. He gets the package. We go across the street to the hospital, he gets admitted. This is us in the waiting room.

We are able to spend about 45 mins with him because they were able to bump up his time to go in by an hour. We wheeled him up to the pre-op room where one of the docs (can't remember his name...) asked him a series of questions and gave him the option of carrying out with the operation or running out the door.

My dad agreed to go threw with it. So he proceeded to put his gown on and get all those nifty I.V. tubes in and was ready for action. I could tell he was scared but hey, who wouldn't be when they are about to have pretty much brain surgery.

Here is pops with the famous Magic Scarf. I could only imagine what was going threw his head.
So, the operation went well. Its hard not to think of all the wrong that could happen. You think up all these things and then when you find out he's done, nothing is wrong! I mean he can't really hear out of his right ear but hopefully some of it will restore. Here are some pics of pops post-op.