Day 7 and back to my blog. That was a ride I hope to never take again.
Trying my best to be optimistic about everything I'll tell all those interested what's been going on this last week.
We'll start with my family not being able to find me until about an hour after being placed in ICU. I don't know what to think my family pacing the halls in the hospital waiting to hear anything. Well I found out they were laying around in the building next door where their room was watching TV waiting for THE phone call that they claim never came. My wife finally walked back to the ICU and recognized one of my 4 doctors and demanded to know where I was. This is when she found me.

After my discovery they all came running to see me, really. After them looking close to make sure no brains or anything were leaking they felt comfortable enough to take some pictures. I told them I wanted to document everything with a lot of pictures and they didn't let me down. The next day Pam (wife) got a really nasty cough and sore throat so she left and lucky for me my mom who came into town was their to see after me. I really have a great mom! I couldn't get enough ice chips and water.
Well I guess I did get enough when I thru-up the next morning looking at my first look at what was supposed to be food.

That first day was the most extreme difference in time that you could ever imagine. The surgery that lasted around 5 hours went by in 5 seconds. Once you get wheeled into ICU the brakes get slammed hard. 5 minutes seemed like 5 hours. I got to ICU at 5:30PM. At 11:30 PM I asked the nurse where every one was expecting to see my family when she laughed a little and told me it was 11:30 PM not AM. That was the slowest experience of time I have ever experienced.
Then came the medication. It seemed like they were putting something in my IV every 15 minutes or so. Then she (nurse) started poking my finger checking my sugar levels telling me my blood sugar was to high and proceeded to inject insulin into the back of my poor right arm for 3 more days every 4 hours. Those little b!@#$%^. Honestly the ICU nurses could not have been better they sat at my feet continually monitoring me for 1-1/2 days. Their great.
Later that evening the real adventure began. I saw 3 little kids/men in blue and white vacuum hose looking space suites coming over the corner of my bed, to later be followed by the pitch fork and kids in yurts trip. I'll stop there. When things would get too out of hand I remember laughing, opening my eye's and seeing this.
The dreams dissipated with time but last night my brother in law & I were at a house that got raided by the cops.
Hey, get one of these. I guarantee they will beat any hallucinogenic hands down.

The view out my window was fine but the view into my window was better. Hollywood Hills.

Food! This was my final gourmet diner served at my West LA suite with evening views to kill for.

After diner "THE A TEAM", Dr's Brackmann and Schwartz came by to see me one last time before they sent out to the streets. Although we were all disappointed by the loss of my hearing in my right ear, they were happy to tell me that everything had gone great. and I could go.

LET"S GO!!!!

Today I got my stitches out. While there we discussed the issue of my face not working right. Well come to find out I'm having what's called delayed weakness because of the nerves swelling. Banking on what the Dr's are saying, they say I should expect a 100% return of full facial function. They gave me a 3 on a scale of 6. 6 being the worst. So Now it's mega-doses of steroids for 2 weeks.
Loose screws removed, 6 new titanium screws tightend.
Mike, glad you're home and hopefully doing well. I too ended up with that darn delayed facial weakness. On top of that I've also had spinal pain which the think has to due with previous issues. I have for sure learned to limit my talking and everything and the facial weakness is getting better slowly. GOOD LUCK, take care from your fellow ANer,
ReplyDeleteDenise (MI)
Mike, I updated some of the issues on my blog and still hope you are coming along better. Please feel free to e-mail me if you want to chat.